Photo by Jazmyn Chipman @jcees.film (IG)
Jasmine Games
Contact jasminegamespoetry@gmail.com for all inquiries
My first full-length collection of poetry is available for purchase online!
Hey Y'all!
Here's what I'm about
I am a Black and queer spoken word poet and theatre practitioner based in Austin, TX. As a theatre maker, I use drama-based pedagogy, creative writing, and devised performance to discuss social (in)justices with participants of all ages in-person and online. I serve as the Director of Education and Social Justice Activation at The VORTEX and the Artistic Director of every.Word Poetry. I slam poetry, and my first full-length collection of poetry, Somebody's Daughter, is available for purchase online.
I produce, direct, and co-facilitate a spoken word action-residency for high school youth, Courageous Cadence, which is celebrated with a final performance of shared poetry on race and gender (in)justices. Some of my other programming includes a Social Justice Activation professional training series on race, gender, and disability, as well as creative writing workshops in poetry and playwriting.
I am the winner of the 2021 Sexton Prize for Poetry, awarded by The Black Spring Press Group, and I am the 2021 Winifred Ward Scholar, awarded by the American Alliance for Theatre and Education. I am the 2020 co-winner of the Texas Education Theatre Association's Founders' Scholarship for Graduate Theatre Students. I was a Provost fellow. I was a poet in residence at the Black Box Writer Residency twice, where I initially published "Double Dutch" and earlier versions of "Views from Wash Day" and "Winter Funeral," entitled “Over” and "Dead of Winter."
I hold a BA in English and Performance Studies from Texas A&M University (2018). I have an MFA in Drama and Theatre for Youth and Communities at The University of Texas at Austin (2022). Wielding my words, I am fiercely committed to complete and total justice for people who are marginalized in our society, especially youth of color.
"I am deliberate and afraid of nothing." -Audre Lorde
"I ain't about nothing but getting well." -My Granny G